In this book of the series, amoeba becomes super amoeba He tries to eliminate all the bad things that happen in his school. Will Squish be eaten alive by a terrifying movie monster Includes a comic featuring Squishs comic book hero, Super Amoeba. Amoeba is just trying to find his place in this big world or just at least make it through one school day one at a time.

Squish may be an amorphous blob, but he needs to whip his supporting cast into shape for issue two. Squish is a brand new graphic series about this squish named Amoeba.

Add to that a disappointing two-color palette, and the whole undertaking seems flatter than a microscope slide. Squish also has a well meaning dad who threatens to offer advice but usually just offers lunch money. Can even our precocious protozoan hero get himself out of this one? The Holms strike a breezy, goofy tone right out of the gate, and Squish is a likably put-upon lead character, but beyond him the book doesn't offer much his pals are annoying and the villain has as many dimensions as he has cells (that is, one). When yet another bout of tardiness lands the whole group in detention, Squish is faced with a full-blown moral dilemma: in order to save Peggy from becoming Lynwood's next between-meal snack, he has to let the big bully copy his next science test. Holm 3.98 6,553 Ratings 345 Reviews published 2011 8 editions Introducing SQUISHa new graphic novel series abou Want to Read Rate it: Book 2 Brave New Pond by Jennifer L. His two best friends Pod, a bowtie-wearing amoeba nerd, and Peggy, a pathologically cheerful paramecium are a constant thorn in his side he just can't seem to make it to school in time and Lynwood the school bully wants to swallow him whole. Holm Squish Series 8 primary works 8 total works Book 1 Super Amoeba by Jennifer L. For a single-celled organism, Squish the amoeba leads an awfully complicated existence.